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Marketing & Sales
5 Creative Ways to Promote an e-Commerce Business if You Think You Tried Everything and Failed
Every day billions of people around the world buy different things online: electronics, cosmetics, clothes, furniture, etc. In 2021, the number of online buyers reached 2.14 billion. Only imagine the field of work for those who have online shops! However, the first thing one should think of is a thorough plan that includes multiple e-Commerce marketing strategies for you to choose from. Why would you need that bureaucracy? The answer is quite simple: if you have no distinct plan and don’t know where to start, be ready that your competitors will definitely excel you multiple times [...]
How To Grow a Fashion Brand From a Simple Print On Demand Business?
Every few years, the technology industry is updated with new business models that do not require considerable resources and have a low threshold for entry. However, among the easiest and most profitable businesses remains dropshipping, a global resale practice that can help a small online store grow into a big fish in the marketplace. Today, creating your brand and online store is not a difficult task, and anyone can learn the basics of marketing and design from scratch by putting some approaches into practice. But how do you create a delightful experience for consumers and promote your creative vision without having enough resources to launch? The idea is pretty simple, and we've written about it before: you need to start selling white-label items. The scheme is simple: you buy certain products on Aliexpress, create a collection, put a markup, and share the product all over the Internet.
PoD Products
Print On Demand Is an Eco-Friendly Business Model That Reduces Damaging Effect On The Environment - True or False?
It is typical for young companies to have high levels of growth in the first few years and then stabilize. So that this does not become an unfortunate inevitability, you should settle conversions. This is possible by having a long-term[...]
Marketing & Sales
Reusable Face Masks Business Growth Ideas
In Asian and some European countries, it was common to wear medical masks in everyday life long before the COVID-19 pandemic. In East Asia, this practice has become part of the philosophy of Taoism and traditional medicine, where clean air and proper breathing are considered essential to good health. There is no denying that today the mask is also a fashion accessory - the beautiful detail has long been commonplace during fashion weeks and the Cannes Film Festival. So we decided to tell you why even in the summer of 2022, you should sell reusable cloth face masks and what the chances are that your design will be a breakthrough.
Marketing & Sales
Things That All Print on Demand Success Stories Have in Common
In general, people only need 50 milliseconds to decide whether they like a website. However, in the world of eCommerce, the profit of the entrepreneur depends on this decision and the image of the brand, expanding the base of loyal customers. This article will look at the basics of success in the print on demand business and uncover some of the popular stores’ secrets. As we assumed a year ago, digitalization has accelerated the adaptation of business processes to the realities of widespread quarantine, power shifts, economic change, and crisis in the social sector. Over time, the biggest problem of international transportation restrictions dissipated in the abyss of events. But there are many marketing channels for the POD product sale.
Can a POD Business Grow from a Part-Time Deal into a Life-Long Investment?
Small business side hustle sometimes grows into a serious occupation, especially if the right strategies are taken in time. To create something outstanding, try out bold solutions for expansion that don't require you to spend a lot of time or money. Often the romanticized vision of entrepreneurship shows a short path to a successful business that, despite obstacles, continues to expand and grow. But reality can still awaken a clouded mind with stark contrasts: strong competitors, powerful channel development tactics, flexible demand, etc., can frighten and disappoint rather than inspire. Therefore, many entrepreneurs prioritize their main workplace and career growth over a small business on the side.