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Marketing & Sales
Email campaign ideas that will bring more sales to your print-on-demand business
Email marketing out is one of the most effective promotional tools. Print-on-demand marketing cannot successfully grow without an efficient email strategy to sell, educate, and build the loyalty of the returning customers. Best print-on-demand companies use the full potential of mailing as digital marketing channels to send personalized, relevant, and seasonal information. If properly targeted and efficiently used, this advertising method can maximize your website traffic and sales. The following material will give you some tips on how to improve email marketing for print-on-demand business and encourage your customers to come back [...]
Marketing & Sales
How you should have prepared your print-on-demand business for a holiday season
Print-on-demand is particularly popular during the holiday season. Mother's Day, St. Patrick's Day, New Year, V-day, Christmas, Thanksgiving, St. Valentines', and many more allow top print-on-demand companies to earn more.