Selling POD Products to Introverts and Extraverts - Is There a Difference?

Sometimes to sell a product, you have to reinvent the wheel. Nevertheless, it's worth applying unique sales tactics based on people's psychology, and your business will go uphill. That's what this article is about.

Every entrepreneur faces setbacks when selling their products. Some customers abandon the cart's contents because of intrusive advertising. For some, it is essential to touch first, smell, see in person, and then make a purchase. All these features of human behavior are associated with their perception, more precisely with the psychology of personality about which we will talk further.

Table of Contents

Personality differences for product evaluations

How to target introverts?

How to target extraverts?


The art of selling is first about a personalized approach and an authentic offer. In addition, it is worth considering the time: for example, during the Covid-19 pandemic, there were popular cotton tracksuits. Once it subsided and the internal political and economic situation aligned, everyone became obsessed with the bold street style trends (beanies, combat boots, and mini skirts.) But how to indicate who is ready to buy a T-shirt with a bold print or a plaid jacket? To do this, let's break down the basics of the psychology of online shopping, as we promised.

Here are the four leading client personalities that are appropriate to the sales environment:

Analytical Buyers

  • Personality features:

Such clients are pragmatic and often stimulated by informativeness, pragmatism, and safety. They carefully weigh the purchase decision, and if all the "quality categories" have no checkmarks, rejection is likely to follow.

  • How to sell:

Logically, the more details and time to think about - the more likely to increase the conversion. So, become a reliable supplier: present customer testimonials, facts, and research that would support your values.

Amiable Buyers

  • Personality features:

These customers will show up right there when it comes to stability, reliability, and unchanging, eternal values. They also care about how those around them react to their choices.

  • How to sell:

Because such people are slow, do not rush them in any way. They should feel comfort, not chaos. So, improve the store interface to provide an easy transition to shopping. Be friendly, don't delay responding, and give systematically constructed data.

Driver Buyers

  • Personality features:

Respect and a thirst to get the desired result are the driving forces behind these people. Sometimes they are even prone to aggression if your actions do not meet their expectations. The peculiarity of such clients is domination and disregard for those who are weaker.

  • How to sell:

To cope with these "wild lions," utilize the hare's cunning and the antelope's speed. Win respect and trust by demonstrating that your goods are quality, you deliver everything on time, and the clients are always satisfied. Be concise, clear, and proactive. That will be your strength. Operate on facts - focus on the overall advantages of products, not details. 

Expressive Buyers

  • Personality features:

These customers want to be important. They are excellent manipulators and can sometimes be highly reactive if they are not given enough attention.

  • How to sell:

Prove that your goods will be an essential attribute of their image. Explain the features of the products in a language they can understand, utilizing memes, colloquialisms, unintelligent phrases, and even topical anecdotes. 

Among these people, we can distinguish between extraverts (expressive and driver buyers) and introverts (analytical and amiable). Understanding what they prefer more and what they usually neglect is worth referring to the product evaluation matrix.

How owner’s personality influences the development of print on demand business?

One of the best POD management solutions is the Product Opportunity Evaluation Matrix (POEM). It defines product features that compare favorably in a highly competitive market.

The methodology uses five generally accepted truths: customer, product, timing, competition, and finance, characterized by different heuristics, that is, some empirical rules.

Customer heuristics

  1. An unresolved problem that could be a motivator to buy.
  2. Reliable communication with the supplier. It is essential to solve this problem for those entrepreneurs whose business has undergone diversification. 
  3. You must have enough opportunities to warrant the efforts.

Competition heuristics

  1. Only those who provide competitive goods can become dominant in an efficient market.
  2. Low barriers to entry are one of the most critical factors for success.
  3. Focus on the unique needs of individual segments.

Capability heuristics

  1. Disruptive Innovation is characterized by fast entry into the market, which can tear apart the psychology of shopping and focus the crowd on the trend.
  2. To outperform the competition and create a revolutionary new solution, improve the user experience.
  3. To develop a print on demand marketplace business and monetize more expensive assets, turn to effective management.

Team heuristics

Product evaluation is impossible without an effective team - the performance and awareness of the staff are critical. Indeed, we should not neglect the abundance of resources.

Finance heuristics

To understand that your business is profitable, you have to ask yourself: ”What is the return and risk profile for this capital investment”? Or whether you have enough resources to scale your business.

Once you identify the 15 heuristics, you will be able to understand the opportunities of your product and the risks you may probably face. In addition, the features of your items will determine the kind of person who purchases in your store. A distrustful attitude towards the seller characterizes introverts’ shopping: this type of person is likely to double-check the supplier reliability, the feedback availability, the confidentiality of the data entered, etc. So attention to detail, the ability to clarify info before buying, free samples, and no cookies (replacing them with FLoC) can “bribe” such a buyer.

As for extraverts, diversification is essential. Because such people are usually friendly, they can buy where an introvert would never go. It is necessary to speak in unison with the person's needs and be full of enthusiasm. Since they care about status, show them trendy items your store supplies.

By breaking down POEM point by point and based on a psychological analysis of the personality, you will be able to calculate the details of the character and preferences of your customers. One successful product evaluation example can be considered the sale of tea. If the marketing campaign incorporates the concept of a quiet, measured life, it may attract the attention of a typical introvert. But sometimes extraverts also prefer a cozy evening with the family. How to attract a certain target audience, read further.

How to Make Passive Income with Print on Demand

Digital footprints (e.g., open websites, downloaded files, purchases) provide a treasure trove of behavioral and demographic info that can tell us about the world outlook. They represent people's preferences and needs at a much deeper and more intuitive level.

Facebook advertising indirectly touches on psychological traits of personality by targeting based on likes. For instance, if liking “Socializing” corresponds to extroversion, and “Stargate” goes hand-in-hand with introversion, each allows you to segment different audiences. Some online shopping introvert-extravert studies published on the University of Cambridge website describe an anonymous experiment. An online cosmetics store ran personalized ads for introverts and extraverts depending on their likes. The results were staggering, as the number of clicks increased by 40% and sales increased by 50%. There is a positive reaction of introverts to materials where a peaceful woman enjoys some product in a comfortable environment. Advertisements are associated with "take time for yourself" and "beauty should not scream." For extraverts, the active dancing woman with a smile on her face and the slogan “Dance like no one's watching” is much more to their liking.

Man's nature also determines habits in many ways. The desire to save money to make a cozy and safe haven characterizes introverts. In this case, the potential client must see a practical perspective on the investments, which will be an incentive to save even more. For instance, if we enter the query “introvert shirts” in the Amazon search box, we will see several things with the characteristic inscription "I'm only talking to my cat today.”  

Psychological targeting can be directed at people's weaknesses. For introverts, this is communication. Thus your brand should develop a strong customer service team, concentrate on details, and track trends that appeal to introverts.

easy online shopping for introverts

In the age of Facebook, TikTok, YouTube Shorts, and the Instagram generation, you can predict potential buyers' profiles based on their digital footprints. Of course, it is essential to understand the extent to which the behaviors of large groups of people can be affected through the application of psychological mass conviction. If this is done for manipulation, it seems that the ethical aspect will somehow affect the brand’s social perception and reputation. Suppose you want to convince someone of sustainable products' advantages that affect the environment and future generations. In that case, the low barriers to entry to such proposals will be high but long-term.

As with introverts, you should carefully research the psychological profile of extraverts to see in what other contexts certain traits might be more helpful. Thus, in 2016, Donald Trump applied this tactic to win an overwhelming majority in the U.S. election.  

Shopping psychology is about creating unique content with several distinctive features that will allow us to track the user's digital footprint. Nevertheless, transparency and reliability are becoming today’s new philosophy; cookies and inappropriate personal data examination techniques are also left behind.

Color Psychology in Branding and Marketing

The psychology of shopping is a whole science, where the study of the person can go on for years. After all, introverts and extraverts are different but have similar charts, which sometimes determine the uncharacteristic purchases. It all depends on the nature of personality, which we tried to figure out in this article.

PoD ProductsMay 31, 2022
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