Setting Up a Network of Dropshippers on Different Channels with DropZa

Mary Fedkovich

Mary Fedkovich, Client Manager in Multi-Programming Solutions  •  7 min read

An important point for suppliers who develop a dropshipping business model is to find reliable assistants who will market and sell their products. Modern advertisement channels allow business owners to gain new partnerships and give an overall understanding of possible mutual benefits. 

This article will be useful for startupers and entrepreneurs who already have trading skills but yet no sales in dropshipping. We’ll describe where trustworthy merchants can “hide” and what technological innovations help manage the whole business workflow effectively.

Table of Contents

The best channels for finding dropshippers

Ways to communicate with dropshippers

What is DropZa, and how does it automate the biz

Dropshipping suppliers FAQ


White-label dropshipping suppliers often don’t pay much attention to their promotions while focusing on issues like warehouse maintenance, delivery, sustainability, and product quality. That’s why it can be challenging for online shop owners to find them via the internet. Though, if your business is willing to scale, you will face the need to find a reliable partner who can increase sales and take responsibility for attracting customers.

Luckily, many dropshippers provide successful promotional campaigns using multichannel e-commerce marketing. This way, they become visible to both buyers and suppliers. So if you feel constrained in searching for a trustworthy vendor to distribute your stuff, here are some tips on where you can find an impressive customer base.

Social media

Today, we can hardly imagine a successful online merchant without a solid online presence - having a profile on TikTok, Instagram, or at least Facebook is a must for modern dropshippers. Public accounts can provide a multichannel retail system and reach all types of consumers. So suppliers can take a closer look at social platforms to find a middleman (or even several) to sell their products. 

These platforms allow searching for appropriate information using hashtags. Suppose you produce printed cloth. Then you can place “#t-shirts” in the search string and see many pages with the same goods. You can examine the subscribers' number, content update frequency, and the way a vendor supports clients. This analysis will give an excellent picture of the seller’s performance and a possible impact on your successful dropshipping business development.

Search engine

Online entrepreneurs that understand the advantages of multichannel e-commerce pay close attention to web page SEO optimization. Thus, appropriate keywords for the most frequent customer queries can top them to the upper positions in Google search results. This way, dropshipping companies can easily find distributors who already sell the same products and have loyal clients, contact them and propose a partnership.


E-commerce platforms open thousands of variants to choose from. For example, you can examine Etsy stores for a partner to sell your customized goods. The only requirement for merchants is to design the product. So if you have printing equipment, consider this channel to find dropshippers and reach a new target audience.

Also, audit eBay or Woocommerce online sellers. These marketplaces are perfect for establishing international trading and accessing a multimillion customer base. Besides, you don’t have to limit yourself to only one vendor. Instead, create a selling network with partners who understand the online purchase behavior of different generations and develop the right marketing strategy. Thus, you may produce the same item, like wall art, but adapt the design according to the end buyers' age and interests. This way, you’ll satisfy more customers and increase company profit. 

How to find dropshippers on Amazon? As easy as on previous digital platforms. Just write the item you produce and choose the vendor with a good rating and a large number of subscribers. If the merchant can ensure an excellent customer experience (CX), they are definitely worth your attention. Vending through the marketplaces is a good option for suppliers who want to control the prices and be the seller of record.

Suppose you want to give sellers more space for establishing margin and don’t care much about your company identity. In that case, you can look at e-commerce directories like Doba, Modalyst, AliExpress, SaleHoo, MegaGoods, etc.

How to Find a Dropshipping Supplier on Amazon

Real-life events

Trade shows or local manufacturers’ markets are a perfect way to popularize your brand. Every opportunity to meet the potential partner is valuable for a multichannel dropshipping business. Suppliers can receive immediate feedback on their stuff, get familiar with other vendors, and share business cards with contact information.

Finding reliable partners for your company is a question of time and patience. Still, creating healthy and productive communication with partners is a kind of challenge for a dropshipping agent. So we’ll single out a separate chapter to discuss this issue.

Once you have found sellers for distributing your goods, you should think of ways to communicate with a partner easily. You can do it manually or use optimization tools like print on demand management software (for POD providers).

In the first case, you can provide email messaging to update the product range and prices. Sellers, in turn, can send you a CVS or XML file with orders. The main advantage of this method is that it doesn’t require initial costs or developers' teams to be obtained. It can be cost-effective for low sales volume but doubtfully will help suppliers who want to apply multichannel e-commerce solutions. 

Manual order processing can be challenging if you work with several sellers. You risk missing customers’ orders or making mistakes with actual stock numbers. Moreover, suppliers will spend a lot of time on this routine procedure, which can’t be productive for business growth.

It becomes easier to manage everyday tasks when entrepreneurs provide private labeling or dropshipping on Shopify or Magento. These trading platforms have a special configuration allowing merchants to send orders from the digital storefront to the fulfillment center directly or at the push of a button. Templated integration has some monthly fees, but they are not critical compared to the benefits they bring.

When you overgrow a single partnership and create a vast multichannel e-commerce buyers network, it’s up to think of custom software for dropshipping. With such an innovative tool, you will streamline daily operations and connect all your partners to a single management dashboard. The out-of-the-box solution will deal with orders, shipping and labeling tasks, inventory control, and customer service. In addition, you will easily find detailed information on any purchase and check the stage of its fulfillment. 

In the next chapter, we’d like to share more details of automated dropshipping exporters' work. So keep reading to stay updated on advanced e-commerce technology.

Entrepreneurs focus on minimizing costs and reducing time-consuming tasks when it comes to multiple sales channels as an integral part of e-commerce business scaling. And here, automated software supports suppliers better than outsourced assistants. DropZa can handle order proceedings, shipping, and packaging 24/7, excluding manual work and speeding fulfillment operations. 

Here’s how dropshipping multichannel management makes your business more productive:

  • Imports and customizes product listings from any source they need.
  • Exports items to all integrated partner stores. 
  • Streamlines order proceedings and accounting.
  • Transfers customers’ purchases to third-party companies for shipping.
  • Generates invoices.
  • Records payment history.
  • Calculates profit.
  • Provides easy messaging with vendors.

DropZa features significantly benefits suppliers, who own the program, and vendors, which have an opportunity to connect an automated tool. Once set up on Shopify, Etsy, or another online store, DropZa can process orders incoming from different integrated sales channels. In addition, workflow optimization allows entrepreneurs to fulfill and deliver clients' purchases faster, accept more orders, and fully control the whole selling process.

dropshipping multi channel management

How can I get more orders?

Take a deep look at multichannel dropshipping classes. You’ll learn how to gain traffic from different sources and effectively manage separate sales flows.

Which business partner would be beneficial for me?

Sellers with a strong social media presence, personal website, excellent customer support, and wise promotional campaign will ensure stable order flows and constantly growing traffic.

Can I organize an international sales chain from China?

You can find dropshipping suppliers on Aliexpress and sell their stuff in your Shopify or Amazon store. Thus, you won’t handle stock alone but will obtain another e-commerce business model.

How many sellers can I collaborate with?

As many as you can admit. You should make a decision depending on your production capacity and fulfillment limits. 

Can I vend on Amazon?

Yes, many merchants are learning how to find suppliers for dropshipping on Amazon. You can promote your staff, set prices, and be the seller of your records alongside the partner storefront according to the marketplace policy.

What should I choose: omnichannel vs. multichannel e-commerce?

The first business model is based on a robust multichannel foundation, so first, you should consider expanding the area of the brand’s influence. While multichannel sales are aimed at traffic growth, omnichannel ones improve the level of customer engagement.

Is it profitable to become a dropshipping supplier for Shopify?

Yes, it can highly increase your income because the platform allows sellers to use automated software and add several partners’ shops into a single network.

Channel marketing increases the customer base and helps connect merchants with multiple dropshipping suppliers. And here, the fulfillment center with automated management software has a privilege. DropZa ensures streamlining daily business operations and simplifies B2B interactions. Order processing, product import, shipping issues, and client support are not manual work anymore. 

An innovative solution allows suppliers to expand their dropshippers network and manage several selling channels simultaneously without data loss and delivery delays. Additionally, MPS developers provide custom integrations for specific business tasks to maximize the company's effectiveness and achieve better results.

DropshippingDecember 21, 2022
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