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Top Digital Marketing Tools That Could Help Your Print on Demand Business Succeed
Given the dizzying pace of technological progress, it's not surprising that all industries should move as rapidly. Digital marketing is no exception. With the new methods and algorithms arrival, marketers can keep up with trends and thus stay at the top of the game. The global T-shirts print on demand services market is estimated at the US $3.64 billion in 2020. Moreover, such a phenomenal industry development won't slow down soon! This article will discuss the best digital marketing tools that will help the POD business succeed [...]
Print Design Mistakes You Should Better Avoid
Impeccable design is the main feature of modernity. That is, entrepreneurs spend more time optimizing their products as potential customers are constantly changing their preferences. Today it's important to pay special attention to the quality of the things and unique visual effects that can attract attention. It seems to be a common thing: new trends in graphic design appear all the time, but for some reason, there are the same mistakes constantly traced. Well, let's not waste time and discuss them all [...]
Can You Start Your POD Company Without Any Inventory?
Starting any business is a money and time investment. Besides, the popular today dropshipping concept completely dispels doubts about a hard start. Instead, e-commerce enhances the positive impact on business development. The past year has become indicative of the principles of trade relations, partnerships, and market needs. Shoppers are now relying more on online shopping. Statistics show that about 95% of purchases by 2040 will be online at all! Unsurprisingly, an entrepreneur must be ahead and keep track of trends. In the print on demand market, there is a constant change in fashion trends, but on the contrary, something continues to remain relevant. This business model is very profitable today because it allows starting an online store with no money. This article will discuss exactly how to create a profitable shop and automate its management [...]
PoD Products
How to Promote Your POD Products with Influencers?
Before, there were simple marketing principles such as concept, strategy, creation, and implementation. Nevertheless, with such an approach, there were constant difficulties finding suppliers and sellers, implementing high-quality advertising, and promoting products. With technological development, demand has grown, and consumer habits have changed. In general, marketing began to change: people buy not goods or services. They come to sellers for emotions, attitude, and history. They believe in the magic of a product made especially for them. Due to the variety and lack of advertising, buyers can overlook or ignore decent products. The constant advertising influence awakens a sense of rejection in the modern user. It filters out informative "noise", increasingly resorting to ad blockers, refraining using social networks or even any electronic media. For brands, such measures mean a decrease in conversions [...]
Marketing & Sales
2021 predictions for print on demand industry
At the end of 2020, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. This year was very different, and most of us were not ready for it. A storm of events in the global health care, politics, and business have provoked irreversible changes. They touched upon the manufacturing industry, including the print on demand business. The past year has crowned with a change in marketing. Now it's more authentic and focused on the individual needs of consumers. Thanks to the rise of Tik Tok, generation Z has become a leading fashion reference. Now print on demand companies have an increase in sales of themed products - its ideas originated in a carousel of events, such as Covid-19 or elections [...]
Marketing & Sales
How to use Facebook marketing for print on demand business
According to statistics, the number of active Facebook users is growing, and in 2021 it is 2.74 billion per month. This metric proves the importance of the Facebook platform in print on demand marketing strategies. There is simply no other platform that offers this kind of audience coverage. Facebook presents a great opportunity to promote your brand. The constantly changing website algorithms are forcing marketers to come up with new effective methods and tactics, which ensures positive competition. So, if you want to understand how to properly run effective campaigns that attract new customers and drive sales, read the article below[...]